This past October I boarded the milk run plane bound for Wrangell, AK. 1 hour to Juneau and a a few whopping 12 minute flights as we pin balled our way to Wrangell. I stepped off the plane into an airport the size of a postage stamp. And as I waited for my ride on […]
We certainly had ourselves an adventure of epic proportions, from that time I almost lost my car keys- twice- to that time that man with the chihuahua asked us is we were having car problems. Taco trucks. Angsty German women. And roadside stops to chase the light. Here is Alli. Alli is a senior. And […]
This girl. GOOD. GRACIOUS. She was my barbie doll dream come to life. First came the coffe date. 1 hour into our first meet up, talking about growing up fast and screwing the stereotype of eduction in the name of art, it is UNDOUBTABLE. This girl is my kindred spirit. Most likely made out of […]
So this one time. There were these girls. Who all of the sudden turned into women (hold the phone..). Whom I also love, like nobody’s business. And they went to prahm. Geez-uh, these women are some of the most loving and compassionate people you will ever meet. Their hearts are sensitive and water-balloon-style-packed-at-the-SEAMS with love. […]
A little throwback treat from a senior sesh last fall. We met in dance class when she was just a freshman (with sass and confidence like no freshman I’ve ever seen!). But let’s cut to the chase- we became fast friends real fast. She lets me spill all of my boy problems out and she […]
A lovely girl for a lovely day. I met Bex when I lived in Mini-sohta last year (oh yeah, you betcha!). I loved her right away. I have so much respect for this woman. Amidst the wild world of public high school, strewn with ceaseless pressure to conform, she unwaiveringly knows who she is and […]