bride and groom take selfie with camera
bride in retro car at alyeska resort weddinf
portrait of a bride at huffman manor



Jan 4

I love New Years. I love the designated chance to reflect and reset. I don’t think you can always see your life clearly in the moment. But when you stop to turn around and take a look at everything behind you, the haze lifts and in that pausing- there is clarity.

Sifting through thousands of photos and hours of video footage to compile this post was a near impossible task. But even in such impossibility, it was such a joy to relive it all.

I am so very grateful to every person who called me, trusted me, collaborated with me, and ultimately employed me this past year. Looking back, it feels surreal that nearly 10 years after picking up a camera I get to make my living off the beauty of symmetry and colors and tears and laughter. It truly is a privilege.

And so my good folks, I give you the best of the best of 2018. Thanks for being here.

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A very special thank you to Holly Luiken and the guys of the  The Wild & The Beloved who second shot wedding films with me this year and who’s work is also featured in the best of 2018 reel. A very special thank you to April Frame as well for her assist in shooting this season.

I’m very much looking forward to all 2019 has to offer. My ever-churning brain is already dreaming of the things I would like to improve and the things I would like to chase this year. And with that anticipation and drive is also a newfound desire to be gentle on myself and approach my days with less pressure and more joy.

I hope this year is off to a good start for you. And if it’s not, I bid you a gentle and encouraging “keep going, friend.”

All my love,

comments +

  1. Beth says:

    I just looked at all the best of’s and they are beautiful! It’s crazy how a photo of people you don’t even know can draw you in as if they are your people!! ????
    Love your work! Love YOU! Hope 2019 brings you much kindness and a heart full of creativity!

    • lrbeautyboard says:

      Thank you so much Beth! It means so much to know these photos and videos touched you. Happy New Year!

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