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slow your scroll & stay a while


Pretty In All Sorts Of Colors.

Filed in : Personal, Prahm, Seniors

So this one time. There were these girls. Who all of the sudden turned into women (hold the phone..). Whom I also love, like nobody’s business. And they went to prahm. Geez-uh, these women are some of the most loving and compassionate people you will ever meet. Their hearts are sensitive and water-balloon-style-packed-at-the-SEAMS with love. […]


A Recalibration.

Filed in : Personal, Prahm

I’ve been on the verge of tears lately at the site of seemingly every beautiful thing I encounter. Which is a little strange for me. Because I can tell you this: It’s not PMS. (too much information?) And I’m for sure not normally someone to get teary eyed watching a sunset. But, recently, all of […]